Editorial Board

Editor in Chief

          Elyssa Squires

     Elyssa Squires is the Editor in Chief of Reel Premiere.  Elyssa is an English major at BYU-Idaho, with an emphasis in creative writing.  She has also had areas of emphasis in Spanish and journalism. She is passionate about writing and the creative process. She loves her large family, which includes the ten nieces and nephews to whom she is aunt. 
     Elyssa has been involved with Scroll, the university newspaper of BYU-Idaho, for three semesters.  She has worked as a staff writer and assistant news editor in the past.  This semester, she has been the opinion editor.  With the time that she has spent with Scroll, she has gained experience with the production of a publication.  Elyssa has used her experience with design, leadership and writing, along with her unique vision to establish this magazine.

Sponsoring Editors

          Ashley Vallace

      Ashley Vallace is one of the Sponsoring Editors for Reel Premiere Magazine. Ashley is an English Major at Brigham Young Uniersity Idaho, with an Empahsis in Literary Studies. She plans on graduating in April 2010, and then either plans to certify and teach secondary education English or persue a career in Law.
      Ashley has taken many literary oriented classes and has participated in many different projects within editing capacites. She loves to read and enjoys whipping out random pieces of humorous fiction. And she hopes in the future, as she continues to learn technique and other various writing styles, that she will be able to inspire others to read, write, and discover all that the literary world has to offer.

          Elizabeth Adams

Elizabeth is from Atalnta, Georgia and is a senior at Brigham Young University - Idaho studying English Education. She plans on graduating in December 2010 and then going on for her Master's in Creative Writing in hopes of becoming a screenwriter and film director.

Elizabeth has been involved in various other editorial boards for other classes as well as Reel Premiere. She has one fully completed screenplay and has several other projects underway. Elizabeth hopes that through her writing and hopefully her films, that she will be able to inspire others to write and instill strong, wholesome values in today's society.

         James Hansen

      James Hansen is an Editor for Reel Premiere. James is a Communications major at BYU-Idaho with an emphasis in advertising.  He has been particularly experienced in account management, helping those he works for make great work. He is also passionate about creative writing particularly novels and screenplays.
      James has been involved in different areas of account management from website design, the Scroll newspaper, and with Ad Agencies. James' experience and vision has contributed to Reel Premiere. James currently lives with his wife and daughter in Idaho.

       Kristi Parker

     Kristi Parker is a sponsoring editor for the magazine Reel Premiere. Kristi is an English major with an emphasis in Creative Writing at BYU-Idaho. She is very interested in many aspects of the field but especially the writing process and learning to express ideas in a creative way. Kristi enjoys reading, writing, and music as some of her hobbies. She also loves being with family and the simple things in life.
     Kristi loves being an English major and learning to write effectively and form opinions. She has been involved with other projects such as another magazine and has recently written a full-length screenplay. Kristi has enjoyed working on this magazine as a current project and is excited to continue learning. She hopes to gain more experience and be able to contribute in a worthwhile way.